Dear hoomans! It’s me Rory, called Lolo as well. I’m writing to you today, as my hoomans are busy planning that weirdo fun, they cooked up for us. They are going to take us from Canada to Argentina on bicycles. Every evening they sit and draw in the map, buy the (un)necessities on the web and sell our stuff on ebay. We are probably really heading somewhere.
I really don’t know what it is or where it is but the most importantly, there will be plenty of other animal friends that I can chase and plenty of water where I can swim. Otherwise I don’t care too much, I am a deep sleeper. I got new fancy harness and special leash so I can run next to the bicycle even when on the road. Food I can hunt at worst, I specialise in carcasses of whatever.
I’ve been on three longer cycletouring trips so far and I liked it a lot!
The first one was in Cotswolds. I love exploring my new surroundings. You never know what might be around right? For example rabbits hiding in the wheat field next to which we set up camp on the first night. I was so happy, running and jumping up to try and spot the little fellas. Not once occurred to me my hoomans were getting more and more anxious and worried as I was gradually getting deeper and deeper into the field, paying no attention to anything apart from scents, sounds and possible movements of my new friends! They even called me a maniac when I got back, but were soooo happy when I got back to them. And so was I. I may have accidentally lost myself once more on that trip, in the forest, probably to chase the rabbits? Oh, and there were sheep everywhere and I barked at them from the trailer. BTW the trailer. It’s our moving house on wheels where we sleep with Phoebe while our hooman pulls us uphill and we don’t have to do anything. Then we wake up and start to woof that we’d like to run again and mostly we get what we want (as they can’t listen to us anymore, Phoebe is especially good at this, I owe her). At night we sleep in the tent and it’s great because we are in the same bedroom as our hoomans as opposed to our home where we have to sleep downstairs. Otherwise we would wake them up by walking on their heads. But in the tent we can walk where we want, even on their heads! We’ve got our own sleeping bags but when our hoomans are cold they happily invite us in their bags.
The second trip was to Scotland. I was experienced cyclist by then. I did proper exploring only once but it was a good one as Phoebe went to chase me and our hoomans went to chase us both. It was soooo funny. There were even more sheep. I like this in this country. Sheep are everywhere and they talk to me. But when I answer, they run away, I don’t know why. When we aren’t on the road, we run with Phoebe next to hoomans and are soooo happy. She likes to bite me when I’m quicker but I know she loves me anyway. And we also went for a play in the mud with my sis and hoomans didn’t understand why and they made us to sit outside the tent till we dried a little. Stoopid hoomans!
The last one was the best. We cycled through New Forest and on Isle of Wight and you know what? There were not only sheep but donkeys and ponnies and wild horses. Real fun. Truly everywhere. And I was barking at them from the trailer because they came to stare at me really close and I won’t allow that. And because hoomans are stoopid, they forgot our leashes at home, so till they got us new ones we were freeeee. And once we slept on a perfect place and we heard horses’ talk and when we woke up in the morning they were so close. How the hoomans had to hold me not to show the horses who the boss is here! And to Isle of Wight we went on a ship!! I’ve been on a ship before but it was a huge one and we had to stay in the car when we traveled to England. But this was awesome ship, we were sitting up on the upper deck and my ears were flying. My hoomans were holding me in the arms for a better view (but also not to jump in the sea as I love water so much :)).
So I wanted to tell you this. I can’t wait, the rumor is I will fly on a plane (I don’t know what it is but it sounds exciting). And we will be together every night and day and my hoomans won’t go anywhere and leave us alone. And I was told I have my own forest and town and peak and hot springs in America so I will take a picture, so you can see me.
Loove ut