A year after
Today is not only spring equinox but also a year after we left Chile following almost 3 years long cycling journey through Americas. If you want to read more about our super complicated journey back home in the midst of … Continued
Today is not only spring equinox but also a year after we left Chile following almost 3 years long cycling journey through Americas. If you want to read more about our super complicated journey back home in the midst of … Continued
Have we told you recently we love Colombia? Uhm… so we love Colombia very much! Especially bikepacking backroads of Colombia stole our hearts and we spent most of our time in Colombia on them. Cycling on these roads is completely … Continued
Some time ago we brought you a post about our cycle ride among the wax palms in Colombia. Cycling from Ibagué to Salento has been up to date one of the top experiences in Colombia and overall too. Wax palms … Continued
Guatemala is definitely our most favourite of all Central American countries we visited. Why? We want to show you in this video! We spent 5 weeks and few days in Guatemala, when we cycled from northeast to southwest, from Tikal … Continued
Hola I am Chiqui or Chiquita. I am the lucky one. I was born in Honduras not so long ago, only about a year or year and a half ago. My mother gave birth in the bush somewhere and … Continued
We’ve been in Guatemala for about 10 days and want to tell you about it as our experience here is really unique and different. Some things in our habits changed since we’ve restarted our journey and crossed to Guatemala. We’re … Continued